Partner 2 - Life & Brain GmbH
Company presentation
Combining expertise in genomics, transgenics, cellomics and cognitive neuroscience, LIFE & BRAIN represents a center of excellence in the field of translational biomedicine. L&B represents an SME, which is structured in several platforms, of which the NeuroPlasticity and Genomics platforms represent important contributors for the present consortium. The NeuroPlasticity platform represented by Prof. Heinz Beck provides highest standard electrophysiological and multiphoton imaging to the consortium. Prof. Beck has a long-standing expertise in experimental epileptology. Prof. Florian Mormann will provide his excellent skills in recordings from single neurons in epileptic humans and EEG-analyses as core unit for systematic and integrated EEG-analyses of data generated in different models and at various sites of the consortium. The results of the respective analyses will flow back to the individual researchers. Prof. Susanne Schoch will contribute her expertise in cell- and molecular biology in order to translate results obtained from
WP1 into the generation of “neuronal cell culture promoter arrays of epileptogenesis-relevant genes“, which represents a completely novel approach for antiepileptogenic compound screens. Prof. Schoch will further contribute transgenic mouse analyses for in vivo bioluminescence imaging. The Genomics platform (Profs. Nöthen, Cichon, Dr. Hoffmann) is a major center for high throughput genetic, epigenetic and gene expression analyses (Illumina and Affymetrix Array technology, Sequenom Maldi-Tof) in Europe.
Due to this profile, L&B represents an SME that is in a unique fashion suited to complement the activities of the academic groups in the present consortium.