Partner 5 - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri
Dr Annamaria VezzaniPrincipal Investigator Phone: +39 0239014410 Fax: +39 023546277
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario NegriVia Giuseppe La Masa 19 20156 Milano Italy |
Teresa Ravizza, PhDSenior researcher; histology and immunohistochemical studies for quantitative analysis of inflammatory molecules in brain Phone: +39 02 39014739 Fax: +39 02 3546277 |
Silvia Balosso, PhDSenior researcher; in vivo pharmacology, specimens collection for biomarker analysis Phone: +39 02 39014739 Fax: +39 02 3546277 |
Massimo Rizzi, PhDSenior researcher; EEG tracing analysis, seizure quantification and biochemical methods (western blot, ELISA) Phone: +39 02 39014214 Fax: +39 02 3546277 |
Dr. Chrysaugi KostoulaPhD student; in vivo pharmacology Phone: +39 02 39014739 Fax: +39 02 3546277 |
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Institute presentation
Dr Annamaria Vezzani has a long standing experience in translational research in epilepsy. Her laboratory has a specific interest and expertise in characterisation of seizure generation mechanisms in rodent epilepsy models using biochemical, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological (video/EEG monitoring) techniques. The laboratory exploits the knowledge on seizure mechanisms for preclinical development of novel treatments for patients with drug resistant seizures. Dr Vezzani is a leading scientist in establishing the role of inflammatory molecules in the pathogenesis of seizures since she was the first one to characterize the contributing role of specific inflammatory pathways in seizure mechanisms, namely the IL-1 and Toll-like receptor signalling. She has a long-standing experience in neuropharmacology applied to animal models of epilepsy for studying biologicals and xenobiotics effects on ictogenesis and epileptogenesis.
One phase 2b clinical trial is ongoing in drug resistant epilepsy patients using an antiinflammatory drug preclinically developed in Dr Vezzani’s laboratory.
Dr Vezzani was partner in 3 epilepsy oriented EU funded projects (QLG-1999-0098; FP6 Epicure, FP7 NeuroGlia) and was an advisory board member in FP7 Euripides. She is presently in the SAB of a currently funded FP7 project, EPISTOP. She is co-investigator in two running P20 NIH grants (RFA-NS- 12006) oriented to find epilepsy biomarkers.